27.04.2006 General meeting of JSC Imstalcon shareholders passed the following resolutions and decisions: 1. On membership of Tabulation Commission and determination of terms of appointment. Election of the Commission memebers.
27.04.2006 General meeting of JSC Imstalcon shareholders passed the following resolutions and decisions: 1. On membership of Tabulation Commission and determination of terms of appointment. Election of the Commission memebers. 2. Annual accounts for 2005 is approved. 3. Order of Society’s 2005 net income distribution is fixed. 4. Decision on payment of dividends by ordinary shares is made. Payment starts from 01.06.2006 at Society and its subsidiaries whereabouts. Approved are 100 tenge per one ordinary share as amount of dividends by results of 2005 and dividends by results of 4th quarter of 2005 – 50 tenge per one ordinary share. 5. Decision on conclusion by Society of big deals and those Society is interested in is taken. 6. Resolution on increasing Society authorized shares amount is passed. 7. Society name is changed (full name is Joint Stock Society “Imstalcon”) . 8. New redaction of Society Artciles of Association is approved. 9. The Board new members in the quantity of 9 persons are elected (N.N. Baibayev, E.G. Yezhikov-Babakhanov, S.G. Yesmukhanov, A.T. Yermolovich, M.S. Zhakhin, B.A. Isin, V.T. Kananykhin, M.S. Labukov, T.N. Sinitsina). 10. Amount and terms of remuneration payment to the Board members are determined. 11. Method of shares value determination at repurchase thereof by Society is defined and approved.