30.04.2008. The following decisions have been taken on April 29 2007 at JSS “Imstalcon” Shareholders General Meeting: 1. Memebrship, terms of appointment and members of Tabulation Commission are defined and elected. 2. Annual financial stat…
30.04.2008. The following decisions have been taken on April 29 2007 at JSS “Imstalcon” Shareholders General Meeting: 1. Memebrship, terms of appointment and members of Tabulation Commission are defined and elected. 2. Annual financial statements for 2007 is approved. 3. Order of distribution of dividends by results of 2007 is determined. 4. Amount of dividends in 2007 is approved. Decision on payment of by ordinary shares dividends for 2 half year 2007 is taken. 5. Amendment № 2 to Articles of Association is approved. 6. Authorities of Collegial Executive Body and those of the Board Chairman are prolonged. 7. New 6 members of the Board have been elected, namely (S.G. Yesmukhanov, M.S. Zhakhin, V.V. Izvekov, V.T. Kananykhin, M.S. Labukov, N.P. Polyakov). 8. Amount and terms of payment of renumeration to the Board members are defined and approved. 9. Auditing organization to be performing audit of the Society is approved – LLP “Almatyaudit”.